Every dog needs companionships to stay happy and healthy. Don’t leave them at home alone while you’re away. Instead, bring them to emBARK! A team of dog lovers will make sure your dog is well taken care of.

Our facility caters exclusively to small & medium dogs. Our space is thoughtfully designed to accommodate every dog’s needs:

  • For the extroverts: Large common area with plenty of room to run and socialize

  • For the introverts: Quiet rest space with privacy

  • For the potty trained: Fenced-in outdoor bathroom space (we’re not barbarians!)

  • For the fashion-forward: Comprehensive grooming facilities & services available with extra fees (if you’re going out right after daycare)

Another key to a happy and healthy dog is regular enrichment and allowing them to engage in their innate behaviours, such as playing, chasing, smelling, chewing and scavenging. We offer a variety of enrichment games and puzzles to help engage and stimulate your dogs physically, mentally and emotionally.





emBARK Daycare is my dog’s second home. I have seen my dog transformed from a shy, timid puppy to a social butterfly, all thanks to the staff at emBARK.

- Tracy N -